It's Thursday but Sunday is coming...

Thursday is usually my last day inthe office for the week. (No I don't have a four day work week does start on Sunday.) There are some regular items that occupy my day: email to the worship choir reminding them of their ministry on Sunday; take a look forward to future Sundays and try to put on paper at least one outline for coming weeks; and reviewing this week's services and check on the details.

It is on Thursday that I begin to look forward to services on Sunday when we as individual daily worshipers get to come together and celebrate together.  This morning I was reading in the book of 2 Chronicles and there were some verses that helped me get on the path of looking forward to worship this weekend.

“The Lord has chosen you to stand in his presence to minister to him, and to lead the people in worship and make offerings to him.” 29:11

“The entire assembly worshiped the Lord as the singers sang and the trumpets blew…and everyone…bowed down in worship.” 29:28,29

“…they offered joyous praise and bowed down in worship.” 29:30

“…all the people rejoiced greatly because of what God had done for the people….” 29:36

“…submit yourselves to the Lord. Come to his Temple which he has set apart as holy forever. Worship the Lord your God…” 30:8

It’s Thursday and I am looking forward to Sunday when the congregation of believers come together to testify of God’s goodness and mercy and as we all join together in worship.

One year ago...

Just Finished...