




Not exactly the four words that comes to mind when you see the word SELF.  One of the books that I read this year suggested that a way to start the day would be to use the word SELF as an outline for a prayer. 

God, I submit this day to You.  I know you created everything so I submit to Your will as I begin this day.


God I am going to take a few moments to examine who I am in comparison to You.  When I do this I realize that I have nothing to hold on to in my own strength. I also realize that I have failed at living for You and now ask You for Your forgiveness.


For all that You are and all that You do for me God I lift up Your name in praise.  I have so much to be thankful for…You are amazing.


And God as I get ready to take the first steps of this day I submit to Your will and ask that You fill my life with Your Spirit so that I can be a walking testimony of Your grace and love.

Christmas In August

So Thankful