When Ithink of leaders that influence my life and others that I have come in contact
with there are a few names which come to the top of the list. However, this
week I have been reminded of two who set the example of being leaders and true
followers of Christ…my parents.
precipitated this reminder were connections that I have made on Facebook. As I
connected with persons from different parts of the country and different
periods in my life; graciously they asked about me, but very quickly turned the
conversation to inquiry about my parents. There were people my parents lead as
ministers in a local church and those who they mentored in a college setting
and still others they met in a social setting.
Why did
these people ask about my parents? I believe it was because they witnessed
these traits:
- they have always felt a call of
God on their lives and it was evident.
- they have served faithfully in
every situation that God has placed them in.
- they treated everyone equally,
accepting everyone.
- they cared about the spiritual
well being of those whom they were around.
- they took and continue to take
the Bible as the authority every situation and encouraged others to do the
- they did and do make spending
time in conversation with God in prayer a priority.
These are
lifestyle characteristics that will set followers of Christ apart from all
others. These are lifestyle characteristics that I hope I model for those that
I come in contact with.
My parents
= parents yes, but also leaders with influence.