I was honored to have an article of mine published in the last edition of Creator magazine. The title of the article is Christ Follower + Worship + Leader. The concept of the article is serving in a leadership position in a church is not an isolated life event but one that is a combined with everything else you do.
Here is reprint of the first few paragraphs of that article. (I will other portions of the article in the next few days.)
Only in recent years has the term ‘Worship Leader’ been used so extensively. In twenty-eight years of full-time ministry it is just in the last 5-8 years have I been referred to as ‘Worship Leader.’ Essentially the job description has never changed just the title. The first title was ‘Minister of Music,’ the next ‘Minister through Music’ and today’s official title is ‘Associate Pastor/Worship;’ same degree, same job descriptions, different title.
No matter the title, my ministry role can be summed up this way: Christ Follower + Worship + Leader. I strive to live as a Christ Follower. I have a responsibility and privilege to lead my family as a Christ Follower. I said yes to the call leading and encouraging others to worship. I feel honored that God is allowing me to lead both staff and ministry teams.
Worship Leaders, there is no way to separate who we are from what God has called us to do. Being called to lead and saying yes to that call impacts decisions we make in both our ministry role and at our home. The title ‘Worship Leader’ is not just what I do, but who I am.
(more to come)