This blog is posted as a part of the blog carnival Sunday Setlists.
For those from my church family; you can use this blog to access information about songs used in worship and where to get access to recordings of the sermon.
The worship choir has been absent from the stage in our main worship room since before Christmas. Today they are back and I am glad because they are great examples to our people on how to be involved in worship.
Opening Song Happy Day (key of Bb) (vcvcbcc) (over the intro of this song the worship leader quoted these two scriptures)
Songs Hosanna (key of F) (vcvcbc ending) (our transition to the next song was and extended ending while slowing down on the last word “Hosanna.” Then with one measure drum fill we jumped into the chorus of the next song.) Your Name (Bb) (cvcc) I Give You My Heart (key of G) (vcc) -segue was made to baptism or prayer as keyboard continued playing this song
Baptism (early service) (great to experience a grandfather baptizing two of his grandchildren)
Prayer (late service) (the time was spent focusing on a New Year’s resolution…the words of the song we were singing)
-we continued in the worship set by moving right back into the previous song Songs I Give You My Heart (vc) My Jesus I Love Thee (key of D) (v) once the song gets started no vocals sang on mics, leaving the congregation to hear each other sing Sermon Into Sermon We value spending time in God’s Word and taking our time to get through a group of scriptures. This week we end the series, Origins, that has taken us on a journey through the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It is in these chapters that we find the foundation for everything that comes in the rest of the Bible. The complete series, from our pastor, can be found here.
The series finished with these four questions:
1. What area(s) in my life give me a sense of pride? Wherever those are, they are breaking the heart of God because He hates pride 2. Are there any places in my life that I am aware of where I am blatantly being disobedient to God’s instructions? 3. What project or plan, am I working on that God has nothing to do with? 4. Am I more concerned about God’s reputation or mine?
Ministry Spotlight We place our announcement time at the end of the service. We all know there is a need to make mention of important events, the question is how to fit this information in the outline of a service where it will not interrupt the flow.