A Positive By-product of being a mentor/coach

For the last few months I have had the opportunity to mentor/coach a young leader in the health care industry. In our coaching session today I became very aware of a great reason and challenge of coaching: accountability.  Not accountability for the client but for me the mentor/coach. The client is looking to me to be the example so I cannot (or should not) suggest steps for improvement and other action items that I am not willing to take. Really that is wrong I should not suggest action items to my client that I am not already doing.

The same principle applies to how I lead my team at my office. I fail if I ask of my team something that I am not modeling.

Being in a mentor/coach relationship or leading teams has its challenges and takes extra work: prep time, extra reading, and setting agendas. However the extra work is outweighed by the reward of witnessing successful teams and seeing clients become effective leaders.

Sunday Setlists July 11, 2010

A Book Give Away: The Heart Mender