One of the most moving things I get to witness is people praying. Yesterday we started the service with prayer. It seemed to really help the congregation connect. Here are some things we did to encourage our congregation to participate.
- There was a specific introduction to the prayer which included encouragement to the pray specifically for God to reveal Himself through the worship and also for us as worshipers to be willing to listen to that revelation.
- Everyone was asked to stand
- An invitation was given for anyone who wanted to come to the front of our room and kneel or stand for this prayer.
- We has also given all the people on stage: band, choir, vocalists, permission and even encouraged them to participate by gathering in groups or joining others around the front of the church.
It is an amazing site to see people around the front of the stage kneeling, standing…all praying.
After a short closing prayer led by the worship leader we moved into the song set list. (No instructions were given for people to return to their seats, they just did and did so reverently.)
Holy, Holy, Holy (traditional) Be Unto Your Name (by Lynn DeShazo and Gary Sadler) Mighty to Save (by Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan)
Scripture Reading
Psalm 23 (selected verses)
Choir Feature
In the House of the Lord (by Laird Sillimon)
This post is my participation in the blog carnival Sunday Setlist which can be found at The Worship Community