Have you ever tried to sing one song in two different keys? Not hard if there is the appropriate set up and follow through of the plan to modulate from one key to the next.
How about this, have you ever tried to sing one song in two different keys at the same time? That’s much harder but I am here to testify that it can be done. I did it this Sunday. The band, or most of the band made a planned transition from the key of G to the key of A, I didn’t. Not only did I not make the change but I continue to sing in G as the band played in A. I finally got their attention and had them stop.
Yes it is possible to do a song in two keys at the same time, it’s hard and it is not the preferred method.
One of the worship team’s on-going prayers is that we on stage would disappear so that what we do could point to the God we worship. (That prayer took on a new meaning today.)
Here is our Sunday Setlist. Links to all most of these songs can be found at this post: Being Prepared for Weekend Worship.
Pre-service Music: Everything To Me (a new song written my one of our staff members. I plan to post the words and recording soon. It is great to be surrounded by talented people. Thanks TW.)
Songs Awesome in This Place vcvc Key of D (sometimes we need to go to the vault and pull out songs from the past. Just because they are a few years old doesn’t mean we should stop using them. I have to remind myself often not to ignore these good songs.) How Great Is Our God ccbb^c Key of G up to A Highest and the Greatest v1cv2cbcc Key of A
Welcome (We are asking some of our staff to lead the welcome time. It gives the congregation a chance to put a face with a name. This week it was our preschool minister. It was probably the first time many of our people have ever seen her.)
Songs and Scripture There is a Redeemer v1cv2cv3cc Psalm 139: 1, 23,24 At the Cross v1cv2cbc 2 Chronicles 20:5,6,9,12,15,17 Turn Your Eyes (this was a worship choir feature and can be found in the book and recording Tell The Story from Prism Publishing)
This post is my participation in the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which can be found at "The Worship Community."