I wonder sometimes if we one of the few ‘contemporary’ churches still using a choir every Sunday.
In just a few months I will reach a milestone: serving as a worship leader and worship choir director for thirty years. In those years I have witnessed many churches stop using choirs in worship. I think we are hurting our worship services by not finding a way to use choirs in our worship. Granted their look and role may be different but they can still be effective worship leaders.
As I reviewed this past Sunday’s service in preparation for writing this post (a part of the blog carnival Sunday Setlists found at The Worship Community) I was reminded of their importance and their ever evolving role.
At ClearView the worship choir participates in most services except for holidays and eight weeks in the summer. Gone are the days when the choir only sings a special…that is not their main role. Today for instance the choir led the congregation in a new worship song, You Alone Can Rescue. It was something they rehearsed for weeks for the sole purpose of inviting the congregation to sing. The congregation sings more confidently when the choir sings. The choir was on stage for the whole set list. (After the setlist are more thoughts about worship choirs.)
Here is our set list: (links to all these songs and scriptures can be found here)
Pre-service: All the Earth Will Sing Your Praises
Songs and Scriptures for Worship This Is My Father’s World Psalm 8:1 I Timothy 1:17 Majestic Thank You Lord
Songs How He Loves You Alone Can Rescue
The choir’s role is not to be some special group, but to be a group of worshipers who lead.
There will be times that the choir leads in a song that the congregation cannot sing but in so doing the choir is fulfilling the purpose of worship by glorifying God with their talents and edifying the body with words of encouragement, testimony and praise that they can do in a unique way.
A Worship Choir can be used effectively in a ‘contemporary’ church.
Here are some other post that give more information about using choirs in worship:
The Worship Choir A Ministry Team
It does take more work, and a commitment from the church’s budget, because it takes money. (Maybe there is another blog post on the subject of budgeting for the worship choir.)
Does your church use choir?
How often do they sing?
What is their purpose on the worship platform?