Today’s service was planned almost eight weeks ago. As a part of the worship outline we felt we needed to build in a ‘prayer time.’ We don’t get to do this often, but over the last year we have been intentional to include an extended ‘prayer time.’ When this outline was completed we had all intention of spending time in prayer for the needs of our congregation. But God knew long before we did that we would need to pray for the people in ours and surrounding states as people survive and recover from the massive outbreaks of tornadoes. It was a great site this morning to see people on their knees around our stage praying for the hurting people of Tennessee, Alabama and other states.
It is so cool to see the Holy Spirit work in a service and even through a plan that was created weeks before actual events…wow!
Here is our Sunday Setlist including the ‘prayer time.’
Song Set God is Great Everlasting God
Song Set Everlasting God (reprise) When I Don’t Know What To Do (take a look at these words, great set up to prayer. Find the words at CCLI song # 4556538) Prayer Thank You
Sermon Set Speak O Lord Sermon Response I Surrender All (instrumental only)
This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which can be found at The Worship Community.