As I write this I am sitting looking out over a beach in North Carolina. I was doing the same yesterday as worship took place at the church I serve, ClearView. There have been years that I would have worried that things went well when I was away from the church. But not in recent years, because I have a great team who understand what it takes to pull off a service and more important they understand the core values that drive our congregation and those that shape our worship services.
This week's service was planned and led by my friend and co-worker Terry Welborn (T.W.Hale). For the last six years we have worked together and as a part of a bigger worship staff and during the last two years we have spent many hours defining what we believe about worship and how that drives our worship planning. We believe that worship is 're-presentation of the gospel,' the story of God, how he revealed Himself through scripture and history and how He gives us a chance to respond to that revelation. As we plan the services we look to make sure everything brings glory to God and edifies, encourages the congregation.
Here is the Sunday Setlists that Terry planned that incorporated these concepts:
Greater Is He; this is a new song that Terry wrote you can find a mp3 and chart at his site.
Opening Song:
Father Spirit Jesus; not new but rarely do we find songs these days that mention all three of the Trinity.
Songs and Scriptures:
All Because of Jesus; a statement of testimony about what Christ has offered us written by Steve Fee
I Have a Hope;the Bible is filled with promises and this song reminds of those and allows us to offer praise for what God has done and will do. This one is written by Tommy Walker
Prayer: specifically responding to the scripture and songs above
*This next set of songs is one I wish I could have been there to participate in. These are great songs of revealing who God is, what he has done and an opportunity to respond.
Holy is the Lord; we starting using a simplified version of this song after it was introduced by the worship choir
There is A Redeemer; an old Keith Green song that should not be forgotten, and it has the same starting melody as Holy Is The Lord
Take My Life; an original tune to an old text that Terry and I wrote a few years ago.