Someone can ask me on Sunday afternoon: 'what was that second song we sang today in worship?' And, I will not be able to remember.
If I have that much trouble remembering a song I put on the schedule and I lead, how much more trouble will the congregation have.
And if we have that much trouble remembering songs, how much more trouble do we have remembering what the sermon was about.
Isn't it then part of our roles as worship leaders to help the congregation remember the sermon?
So how can we do this?
- Publicize the link to the 'podcast' so they have a chance to hear it again.
- If you use YouVersion/Live, leave the notes up till mid-week
- Occasionally put a 'review' time in the song setlist
- Find a way to use a main point or scripture from the previous week in the current week's service
We used point #4 this weekend. Below is the whole setlist including how we used the scripture.
Song Set 1
Today Is the Day
Scripture Luke 12:22-31 (this was the text from last week, which worked as a great intro to a focused time of prayer)
Tis So Sweet
Tis So Sweet (reprise of chorus, used as prayer conclusion)
Song Set 2
Christ is Risen
I Stand Amazed (started this song without intro, as it was in same key as previous song)
This post is my participation in the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which can be found at The Worship Community.