It happens about every seven years. This year marks the fifth time it has happened since 1983.
Christmas falls on a Sunday.
Churches are faced with a we have services on Christmas morning.
This question has taken on a new light this year as a result of more churches putting a recent emphasis on Christmas Eve services.
Our local paper and other news services have made a big deal about churches choosing not to meet on Christmas Day. I think they are missing the point, it is not that churches are not meeting on Christmas Day but that they are choosing to offer more opportunities for worship on Christmas Eve.
There are two times a year when even the occasional church-goer all show up for church, one of them is Christmas.
So, does it really matter if we meet on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Our role as church leaders, and Christ-followers is to encourage people to come to worship and challenge all with the message of Christ.
If people will come...let's invite them and let's make sure the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service tells more than the story of the Messiah's birth but how His birth is a part of God's pursuit of us and His desire to redeem us from our sins.
This year our church has chosen to have three identical services two on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas morning. These services will all be the same and we are encouraging our people to choose the one that best fits with their family's schedule.
If your church is having only Christmas Eve services...go.
If your church is having only Christmas Day services...go.
If your church provides a choice...choose the one that fits your schedule.
If you have friends and family with no church they call their own...invite them to go with you.
For ClearView... I hope to see you at either 3:00 or 4:30 pm on Christmas Eve or 10:00 am on Christmas Day.