It doesn't matter the week, what happens before or during, Sundays always show up.
For nearly 31 years I have faced a blank piece of paper each week that is waiting for an outline of songs and other elements that will make up a worship service. Early on in my career that blank piece of paper for the next service stayed blank until the week of the service. Now I almost get into a panic if I don't have a month of service outlines filling those sheets of paper (or computer screens.)
Today's outline was completed over a month ago and at that time I had no idea what our pastor's topic of the day would be. When I put the elements on paper I felt they were what God wanted me to use. It wasn't until this morning that I understood completely.
Here is the Setlist:
Songs, Scripture and Prayer Everlasting God by Brenton Brown, Ken Riley Scripture: Psalm 62 Psalm 62 by Aaron Keyes, Stuart Townend Time of Reflection: remembering God's faithfulness We Will Remember by Tommy Walker Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Song Let the Church Rise by Israel Houghton, Jonathan Stockstill
Here are the sermon outline points:
- Remember the Past
- Rejoice in the Present
- God gave us our mission
- Recommit to future with your presence
- present in worship
- connect into a small group
- find a place to serve
- invest and invite
- give consistently
God knew way before I did how the setlist would support the shouldn't but it still does amaze me how God's prompting to two different men at different times leads to a common presentation of the Gospel and the mission of the church.
This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Sunday Setlists found at The Worship Community.