Someone Is Always Watching
Whether you like it or not someone is watching you. Yes, we can all stand back and say God is watching us but there are others.
Someone is always watching you
- in your home
- at your job
- at your school
The question is 'what are they seeing?'
I meet regularly with a group of high school students to discuss leadership principles. In a recent meeting I asked them to turn to their neighbor and say: 'someone is always watching you and you are an example.'
The room got silent...
We talk often around the thought: 'to be a good leader is to be a good example, model how you want your team to act.' But the silence that day punctuated the thought that they are always an example; when they model intentional behavior as a leader and when someone sees their unintentional reaction.
I want to be a good leader and try to model behaviors for my team but I have to remind myself they see all my actions, not just the ones I want them to see...because they are always watching.