"I confess, I caught myself wondering what they were thinking."
One of the best times of Sunday worship for me is during rehearsal, there is no one filling the seats of the worship room and the only audience is God. Sunday's early morning rehearsal was that kind of experience, but it changed for me during our second service when I spotted a "Christian celebrity." (I know there should not even be such a term in our vocabulary.) There was a brief passing thought: "I wonder what they think of this service." It wasn't long till I was confessing these thoughts to God because they were wrong...the only audience is suppose to be God.
The imperfection of being human was evident in those brief thoughts.
It is amazing how often the slightest distraction can take our focus off God.
And...even for the worship leader.
So...if for the worship leader then also for the congregation. (That brings up another point...it is important that everything that is done on stage is not a distraction to worship...and that folks is a subject for another blog post.)
I am glad the distraction and thoughts were brief. I was able to re-focus and remember I am there to worship and encouraging others to do the same, only caring if my worship was acceptable to God.
In spite of my humanness I believe God was honored and the people of ClearView did engage in the conversation of worship.
Here is our setlist:
Pre-service Music: A Mighty Fortress (a contemporary arrangement for orchestra by Steve Dunn.)
Songs and Scripture: 1 Chronicles 16:23-29 How Great Thou Art (an arrangement for congregation and orchestra from Saddleback) 1 Peter 2:9-10 When I Think About the Lord, arranged by Bradley Knight Declare Your Name (a choir feature from Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, we asked the congregation to join)
Baptism We were blessed to be able to witness five people follow Christ in baptism
Prayer You Are My Rescue
Song Speak O Lord
This post is my participation the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which can be found at The Worship Community.