Two Coaches, Two Good Coaches
Coaching Clipboard
I never thought I would say this but, "I like to run." A big part of the enjoyment is setting and meeting goals. (It also allows me to be competitive, with myself and others.) During the last two years I have been able to work with a couple of coaches, who have helped me, improve performance and meet goals. They are both great coaches.
Here are some observations about these coaches that I see can apply to sports or business, leading a team or an individual.
A good coach:
- helps a team or individual set a goal
- develops a training plan
- works with the individual or team to adapt the training plan
- reminds often of the goal and how the training plan will help meet the goal
- holds them accountable for the training and improvement
- offers encouragement throughout the training
- gives constructive criticism so the training can be productive and efficient
- when it is time to execute for the goal, reinforces, reminds about training, progressive steps that got you to this point
- gives last minute instructions and encourages a push to the goal, based on the training
Observing these coaches has reminded me how to a better coach for my team as we set and meet goals and objectives together.
Thanks David and Christi Beth for being great coaching examples.