I confess...sometimes I am not as prepared as I should be. The lack of preparation can be a distraction that keeps people from engaging.
The rehearsal went well but as it ended I felt I needed to make a change to one of the songs. I communicated the change to the proper people. The problem...I didn't rehearse the change. When it came to that point in the service I made it through it...but barely.
Planning is essential to our team. We painstakingly go through all the details of our service but we are also open to making changes even up to the last moment and in the middle of services if prompted by the Holy Spirit. In the middle of the service its usually about the form of the song with no other major changes. The change I made this last week was more significant and I should have rehearsed the change.
My confession is a reminder to myself:
- it is a must to plan out the worship services
- it is right to be open to prompts by the Holy Spirit to change
- it is imperative that major changes are communicated properly
- ....and they are rehearsed.
Here is our Sunday Setlist:
In This Place Prayer (a call to worship) Scripture (2 Chronicles 5:13-14) O Worship The King (new chorus only) How Can I Keep From Singing Because of Who You Are Healer
Prayer (for the needs of the people)
Song Speak O Lord
This post is my contribution to the blog carnival Sunday Setlist found at The Worship Community.