Pastor: "I am so amazed at that man"
Me: "Because he has survived all these years?"
Pastor: "No because he has kept his ministry relevant all these years by surrounding himself with persons who keep him current with trends."
That was a quick conversation I had with the pastor of Peoples Church in Fresno, California refering to the worship leader on stage, Doug Holck who is the Executive/Worship Pastor at the church. He is not just the Worship Pastor but he has been serving in that position for more than 35 years.
It was the 1970s and a evolution was taking place in church music. The first contemporary 'musicals' were being recorded and made available to the local church. The recordings included rhythm sections and even some jazz band instrumentation or orchestra.
Some local churches were catching on and one of those was Peoples Church. This wasn't my home church but I was able to attend on occasion and there a high school trumpet player saw what was possible in church music. Pastor Holck was recruiting the best musicians in the area to be a part of the local church. It was under his leadership that I witnessed the ministry of a large, well-rehearsed choir, a Chicago style horn section, full rhythm section and yes even an out-front vocal ensemble.
Think about was the 1970s.
I was hooked and it was through those encounters at Peoples Church that God placed in my heart a desire to lead a worship ministry.
Now its 2012 and the worship ministry at Peoples Church has continued to evolve, still under the leadership of Pastor Holck. It is not the same as it was in the 1970s. No it has stayed current in its musical style without compromising the message of the Gospel.
Thank you Doug Holck for inspiring me and I am sure many others. I hope as I continue in ministry I can stay relevant with a solid foundation of the Gospel as you have for all these years.
Do you have someone who was a leader by example and helped you find your vocation and ministry?