Some days I am overwhelmed at the wisdom of God and His perfect timing...I shouldn't be...I really shouldn't be surprised. God is only limited by my finite thoughts.
Weeks ago most of this weekend's worship service was planned. The sections other than the sermon had even been rehearsed.
A few days before Sunday I receive our pastor's sermon, not just an outline but the complete text.
The last song before the sermon included the line:
"and I am not ashamed of to say I love your name, Jesus you're everything to me."
In the first paragraphs of the sermon I read:
Between 2 Timothy 1, verses 8 and 16, Paul uses a word 3 times that sort of makes up the theme of this section:
v.8 “So don’t be ASHAMED …”
v.12 “and that is why I suffer these things. But I am not ASHAMED”
V.16 “May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ASHAMED of my chains.”
When you see a word or phrase repeated that many times in so few verses, you can know for sure the HS is trying to say something to us.
In this case, He is saying those that are really persevering in their faith are not ashamed ……. not ashamed of Christ.
As I read through the sermon script I became overwhelmed at God's omniscience...He knows everything and has perfect timing. What is the most overwhelming is that God uses imperfect humans as His instruments to get His message across.
I was overwhelmed but I shouldn't be surprised...He is God.
It was obvious this morning that God wanted the worship songs to support and reinforce the preached word in a very specific way.
Below you can find a list of all the songs and scriptures we used in worship. But before posting the list I wanted to give you a chance to hear the song that connected so well with the sermon. It was co-written by one of our staff members, Terry Welborn (T.W. Hale.).
Here is the complete set list:
Songs and Scripture
Welcome and Baptism
This post is my participation in the blog carnival Sunday Setlists which can be found at the Worship Community